Fig. 4. The geography of Zahn's novel Albin Indergand

Eine Geographie der Fiktion

Barbara Piatti, Anne-Kathrin Reuschel, Hans Rudolf Bär, William Cartwright, Lorenz Hurni
Literatur kartieren. Auf dem Weg zu einer Geographie der Fiktion (Originaltitel: Mapping Literature. Towards a Geography of Fiction)

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Modern cartography has the ability to map almost any phenomenon for which spatial relationships are of primary relevance. While existing cartographic products cover already an enormous variety of topics, the visualisation of 'other' geographies gains more and more attention. These other geographies may not accord to the 'normal' spaces usually mapped, hence cartography is both challenged and forced to find uncommon solutions. Literature and its fictional spaces might serve as a fine example (but one could also think of soundscapes or emotions). Doubtlessly, the realm of fiction is defined by different 'rules' to the geography that cartography customarily addresses. This paper deals with two main questions: Firstly, how to map narratives and their complex spatial structure? Secondly, what do we achieve by mapping literature? By searching for some (provisional) answers, the horizon of a promising interdisciplinary research field – a future literary geography – becomes visible.

Piatti, B. (2009); Reuschel, A.-K.; Bär, H. R.; Cartwright, W.; Hurni, L.: »Mapping Literature. Towards a Geography of Fiction«. In: Cartwright, W. et al. (Eds.): Cartography and Art, Wiesbaden, 177-192 → Download [6,4 MB]

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